Cobb’s Boatyard Services

Haul, Block, Launch$10.00/ft
Short Haul$5.00/ft
25 ft or less$125 min
60' or more$12.00/ft each way
Extra Slings (each)$75.00
Pressure Wash$100.00 min.
25-59 ft$4.00/ft
60 ft or more$6.00/ft
Masts (each way)$600.00 min.
Engines (each way)$200.00 min.

Cobb’s Land Storage

25 ft or more$2.00/ft/day
25 ft min$50.00/day
Mast Storage$10.00/day
Environmental Fee$25.00

Ask about our special order program, with discounted prices on boating products.

Find Us

Cobb’s Marina
4524 Dunning Road
Norfolk, Virginia 23518
Tel: 757-588-5401
Fax: 757-588-8926


Mondays through Fridays 8:00 AM to 5 PM

Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM